Book a trip with Cathay Pacific from Chennai from INR33,327
Departing from Chennai
Leave Chennai in comfort and style when you choose Cathay Pacific, the airline that caters to all your needs. Book your flights from Chennai and enjoy in-flight entertainment, delicious onboard meals, and friendly and professional service.
Flights from Chennai Airport
Chennai Airport (MAA) is the primary airport serving Chennai. The airport is one of India’s busiest, with more than 15 million passengers annually. Enjoy local or international cuisine before you fly. Other amenities include banking and currency exchange, duty free and boutique shops, and free Wi-Fi.
Reaching Chennai Airport
Chennai Airport is located 22 kilometres from the city centre. A taxi is the easiest way to reach the airport, but be sure to set the price in advance. If you are travelling lightly, ride a local auto-rickshaw, or tuk tuk. Public buses and trains depart from the city centre regularly. Book your flights from Chennai with Cathay Pacific today.
The Cathay Pacific experience
Spacious cabins and world-class service
Complete flexibility when you book
Fresher flavours, now ready for Business
Our intuitive digital experience
Travel anywhere from Chennai
- Flights from Chennai to Hong Kong
- Flights from Chennai to Toronto
- Flights from Chennai to San Francisco
- Flights from Chennai to Chicago
- Flights from Chennai to Los Angeles
- Flights from Chennai to Vancouver
- Flights from Chennai to Hangzhou
- Flights from Chennai to Seoul
- Flights from Chennai to Guangzhou
- Flights from Chennai to Auckland
- Flights from Chennai to Manila
- Flights from Chennai to Taipei
- Flights from Chennai to Sydney
- Flights from Chennai to Tokyo
- Flights from Chennai to Brisbane
All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.