Book a trip with Cathay Pacific from Manchester from GBP649
Departing from Manchester
Whether you are flying for business or pleasure, don’t miss Cathay Pacific’s frequent flights from Manchester. Download the Cathay Pacific app for to book flights easily, monitor flight statuses, check your Marco Polo Club account, and select your seat. Use our advance check-in to avoid queues at the airport.
Flying from Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport (MAN) has three terminals; Cathay Pacific operates from Terminal 2. Watch flights coming and going from the observation deck or browse the extensive array of shops. Other facilities include restaurants and bars, ATMs, banks, smoking rooms, prayer rooms, children’s play areas, pay-to-use showers and lounges, and an hour’s free Wi-Fi.
Manchester Airport Transportation
Getting to Manchester Airport, situated 14 kilometres from the city centre, is convenient by road and rail. The Metrolink and various bus services depart frequently from the city centre, and taxis are available for convenience. Travel well when you choose Cathay Pacific for your flights from Manchester.
The Cathay Pacific experience
Spacious cabins and world-class service
Complete flexibility when you book
Fresher flavours, now ready for Business
Our intuitive digital experience
Travel anywhere from Manchester
- Flights from Manchester to Hong Kong
- Flights from Manchester to Sydney
- Flights from Manchester to Manila
- Flights from Manchester to Brisbane
- Flights from Manchester to Melbourne
- Flights from Manchester to Bangkok
- Flights from Manchester to Denpasar (Bali)
- Flights from Manchester to Cebu
- Flights from Manchester to Qingdao
- Flights from Manchester to Auckland
- Flights from Manchester to Osaka
- Flights from Manchester to Perth
- Flights from Manchester to Guangzhou
- Flights from Manchester to Taipei
- Flights from Manchester to Singapore
All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.