Book a trip with Cathay Pacific from Osaka from JPY47,740
Departing from Osaka
Onto the next destination? Let Cathay Pacific get you there in style. Book your flights from Osaka and begin your next adventure with excellent service, comfortable seats and in-flight entertainment. Fly via Hong Kong to more than 90 destinations worldwide.
Flights from Osaka
Kansai International Airport (KIX) is located on an artificial island in the middle of Osaka Bay. The airport is modern and easy to navigate. Enjoy dining or browsing the shops before you board your flight. Other amenities include ATMs, currency exchange, nursing facilities, a children's play area, and free Wi-Fi.
Getting to Kansai International Airport
Kansai International Airport is located 38km from Osaka city centre. Several trains and bus lines connect to the airport from Osaka and surrounding areas. Taxis are available, and car parks are located on the airport island. Fly from Osaka with Cathay Pacific and enjoy stress-free travel and top-quality service.
The Cathay Pacific experience
Spacious cabins and world-class service
Complete flexibility when you book
Fresher flavours, now ready for Business
Our intuitive digital experience
Travel anywhere from Osaka
- Flights from Osaka to Hong Kong
- Flights from Osaka to Taipei
- Flights from Osaka to Bangkok
- Flights from Osaka to Paris
- Flights from Osaka to Singapore
- Flights from Osaka to Rome
- Flights from Osaka to Surabaya
- Flights from Osaka to Barcelona
- Flights from Osaka to Madrid
- Flights from Osaka to New York
- Flights from Osaka to Milan
- Flights from Osaka to Manila
- Flights from Osaka to Melbourne
- Flights from Osaka to Jakarta
- Flights from Osaka to Kuala Lumpur
All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.