Book a trip with Cathay Pacific from Tokyo from JPY46,810
Departing from Tokyo
Traveling for work or leisure? Connect to more than 90 worldwide destinations when you fly from Tokyo with Cathay Pacific. We pride ourselves on impeccable service and comfortable aircraft, no matter your destination. Enjoy an unforgettable flight from Tokyo.
Flying from Tokyo
Narita International Airport (NRT), known locally as Tokyo Narita, is the primary international airport in Japan. This sprawling airport is very modern. Enjoy local and international dining and shopping options before you fly. Other amenities include currency exchange, banking, nursing and baby care facilities, duty-free shopping, relaxing lounges, and free Wi-Fi. .
Reaching Tokyo Narita Airport
Situated 60km east of the city centre, frequent express train service from several Tokyo train stations is the easiest way to reach Tokyo Narita Airport. Commuter rail and local buses are available from other locations as well. Hire a taxi for more flexibility, but leave early in case of traffic. Avoid airport queues by checking in early – book your flights from Tokyo with Cathay Pacific.
The Cathay Pacific experience
Spacious cabins and world-class service
Complete flexibility when you book
Fresher flavours, now ready for Business
Our intuitive digital experience
Travel anywhere from Tokyo
- Flights from Tokyo to Paris
- Flights from Tokyo to Bangkok
- Flights from Tokyo to Milan
- Flights from Tokyo to Kuala Lumpur
- Flights from Tokyo to Perth
- Flights from Tokyo to Amsterdam
- Flights from Tokyo to Hanoi
- Flights from Tokyo to Barcelona
- Flights from Tokyo to Singapore
- Flights from Tokyo to Manila
- Flights from Tokyo to Phuket
- Flights from Tokyo to Penang
- Flights from Tokyo to Denpasar (Bali)
- Flights from Tokyo to London
- Flights from Tokyo to Zurich
All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.