Book a trip with Cathay Pacific from Taipei from TWD6,223
Departing from Taipei
Cathay Pacific is a great choice for flights from Taipei. Since we are a family-friendly airline, young children (between the ages of three and six) will be kept entertained with the fun pack, leaving adults free to listen to music, watch a TV show, or read the complimentary newspapers.
Flying from Taipei
Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) is the main airport in Taiwan China. The two terminals are linked by Skytrain; your Cathay Pacific flight departs from Terminal 1. Enjoy local meals in the food court and browse boutiques and shops. Other facilities include showers, ATMs, banking and currency exchange services, and comfortable waiting areas.
Travelling to Taipei Airport
Located 40 kilometres from the city centre, frequent train and bus services connect various city points to the airport. Taxis are available for convenience. Whether you’re flying from Taipei for business or pleasure, book with Cathay Pacific and reach more than 90 global destinations.
The Cathay Pacific experience
Spacious cabins and world-class service
Complete flexibility when you book
Fresher flavours, now ready for Business
Our intuitive digital experience
Travel anywhere from Taipei
- Flights from Taipei to Phuket
- Flights from Taipei to Colombo
- Flights from Taipei to Chennai
- Flights from Taipei to Hyderabad
- Flights from Taipei to Delhi
- Flights from Taipei to Mumbai
- Flights from Taipei to Bengaluru (Bangalore)
- Flights from Taipei to Ho Chi Minh City
- Flights from Taipei to Hanoi
- Flights from Taipei to Bangkok
- Flights from Taipei to Surabaya
- Flights from Taipei to Jakarta
- Flights from Taipei to Denpasar (Bali)
- Flights from Taipei to Manila
- Flights from Taipei to Cebu
All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.